Sunday, June 1, 2008

Leaving Perigueux

I have really enjoyed meeting and staying with Martine et Michel in their house in Chancelade. They have given me the opportunity to meet many friendly french people and shared their home, food and wine with me. Martine has taken me to many fanstastic areas around the Perigueux region including Les Eyzies, Beynac and Domme. So many beautiful castles, churches and amazing old buildings.

The highlights for me have been many. I loved playing football with Remi and Mathies the two sons of Stephan and Anne who are friends of Martine et Michel. I played football twice with Remi, until we kicked the ball into the pond and it was lost forever. Michel was worried we would destroy his tomato plants, but to be honest I couldn't see any tomatoes growing on the plants anyway. Mathies did a great job teaching me how to count in French. Also meeting Sebastian, Stephanie and Lola and Viviane has been so great.

I love Martine et Michels dog Oxo. He is so so gorgeous and he has the nicest nature you would ever see. I loved the way he follows me everywhere and he is so cute. I think I could easily take him back to Australia as he has become a highlight of my french adventure.

Seeing the big fish jump out of the pond has also been a highlight. Its so funny as I saw the fish jump out of the pond four times, high into the air. Every time Michel looked he missed seeing the fish. This was so funny as he has lived here for three years and never seen the fish jump and I have been here only a week and I have seen them jump a lot. It was funny to see Michel's reaction as all the time he missed seeing the fish.

Martine speaks such good english and I have relied on her alot to help me and she has been so great. She is a wonderful person. It has been fun trying to communicate with Michel who thinks my french is improving. Hahahaha I'm not so sure but I have enjoyed trying to learn french. In France a smile goes such a long way and all the french people are so helpful when you attempt to speak the language.

My time in Chancelade has been wonderful and the experience of being in the countryside with such warm people has been so amazing. I have many great photographs to remember my time here. Thankyou Martine and Michel for being such good friends.

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